#Plan Européan Elections: LREM (23,5%) vs RN (21%) LREM = Ailes-ER-Aime (we are happy to practicing) -> kind of freedom vs RN = ER-N ("la haine des français exprimée") -> scary, trying to find solutions, boring time ! We "normally" chosing: LREM. ps: "the result is important". We have this kind of information: "probably we have 3 days in advance (against "them")".../> Bouchon! means: "bouche-on" "So they gonna be very angry in the streets" Who are actually working ? -> The ON Making an intervention here ! (on the "ON") - this is important! -> the "ON" are "arabians female working on the internet"./> -> the "on" are "arabians male demonstrating in the streets"./> So: 1st step: - dangerous websites -> talking! 2nd step: - looking how they are operating! AND THERE (after this... [including]...): - creating a map. like: "x is working for communicating with y" (exemple)./> If we have got a MAP we can "breaking the system". Because: MAP -> understanding the vision (so we can know how to do !) If we are breaking "the system" we're doing "breaking the elevation of their "campagn"./> X' - operating, during./>